Thursday, February 4, 2010

Nintendo Wii - Sports Resort

If you have a Wii, and you don't have Sports Resort Motion Plus, you should def get it! This game has many mini games in it. All of the games are fun, but some are really tiring. There's bowling, swordplay, wakeboarding, basketball, canoeing, air sports, and a few more games that you can play. All these games are based around an "island" and they have their own set ups. It's a very social game; it brings people together for a fun time. :)


  1. I've never played before but if it is like the regular sports, it should be fun

  2. yay! i love wii resort too but why are we blogging about it?


  3. Remi-- It's kinda like regular sports. You more around and about (well if you are REALLY into it)! Lol

  4. good game shame i dont have my wii any more

  5. awh boo :( that game is great. i think the wii is great in general!!
